RLB/Luftschutz Air Protection League Officers Visor Cap...Rare RLB/Luftschutz Air Protection League Officers Visor Cap...Rare RLB/Luftschutz Air Protection League Officers Visor Cap...Rare RLB/Luftschutz Air Protection League Officers Visor Cap...Rare RLB/Luftschutz Air Protection League Officers Visor Cap...Rare RLB/Luftschutz Air Protection League Officers Visor Cap...Rare RLB/Luftschutz Air Protection League Officers Visor Cap...Rare RLB/Luftschutz Air Protection League Officers Visor Cap...Rare RLB/Luftschutz Air Protection League Officers Visor Cap...Rare RLB/Luftschutz Air Protection League Officers Visor Cap...Rare RLB/Luftschutz Air Protection League Officers Visor Cap...Rare RLB/Luftschutz Air Protection League Officers Visor Cap...Rare RLB/Luftschutz Air Protection League Officers Visor Cap...Rare RLB/Luftschutz Air Protection League Officers Visor Cap...Rare

RLB/Luftschutz Air Protection League Officers Visor Cap...Rare

Formed in late 1932 the Deutsches Luftschutzverband, (German Air Protection League), was a voluntary organization designed to provide civil air raid protection in large civilian centers. Shortly after Hitler ascension to power the Deutsches Luftschutzverband was restructured and placed under the supervision of the Reichsluftfahrtministerium, (National Air Ministry), under the control of Hermann Göring. On April 29TH 1933 the Deutsches Luftschutzverband was renamed RLB, Reichs Luftschutz Bund, (National Air Raid Protection League) and was given status as an official national organization tasked with all aspects of civil air raid defence. The RLB remained a voluntary organization with a small cadre of paid, full-time uniformed officials to oversee the organizations functions until June 1935 when obligatory service was introduced. Only the most basic uniform and equipment items were supplied to the cadre personnel, with the rest having to be bought personally by members.

A very hard to find cap and this one is in a very good condition
A great opportunity to get a very rare cap

We have another one listed with some moth damage for a very good price
item : 51115

Code: 55979