Luftwaffe grouping of Ritterkreuz Träger "Eduard Hübner"
Grouping of clothing from the estate of "Eduard Hübner
Hauptmann Eduard Hübner (16.04.1914 in Hinzweiler-Kusel † 01.10.1996 in Altenstadt) earned the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold on June 21, 1943 with Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 4 and the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on March 17, 1945 as Hauptmann und Kommandeurr of the Sturm-Batailon der Fallschirm-Armee.
The set exists out of his 4 pocket tunic, his greatcoat, a luftwaffe shirt and a pair of trousers with breeches, all in amazing condition.
A very unique set for every Luftwaffe collector!
Code: 55518