Adolf Hitler Award Plaque for NSDAP Officials Adolf Hitler Award Plaque for NSDAP Officials Adolf Hitler Award Plaque for NSDAP Officials Adolf Hitler Award Plaque for NSDAP Officials Adolf Hitler Award Plaque for NSDAP Officials Adolf Hitler Award Plaque for NSDAP Officials Adolf Hitler Award Plaque for NSDAP Officials Adolf Hitler Award Plaque for NSDAP Officials Adolf Hitler Award Plaque for NSDAP Officials Adolf Hitler Award Plaque for NSDAP Officials

Adolf Hitler Award Plaque for NSDAP Officials

The Fuhrer Plaque: was an officially recognized NSDAP non-portable award. It was presented to middle ranking political and state officials in recognition of special achievement. Unlike most non-portable awards, this one was made so that it could be hung on the wall of an office.

Hitler Quotation: "Die Voraussetzung zur tat ist der Wille und der Mut zur Wahrhaftigkeit" (The prerequisite for doing is the will and courage of truthfulness).

about 14,2 x 9,6 cm
Hard to find!

Code: 54445

400.00 EUR