Hitler Youth Service Shirt With Insignia Hitler Youth Service Shirt With Insignia Hitler Youth Service Shirt With Insignia Hitler Youth Service Shirt With Insignia Hitler Youth Service Shirt With Insignia Hitler Youth Service Shirt With Insignia Hitler Youth Service Shirt With Insignia Hitler Youth Service Shirt With Insignia Hitler Youth Service Shirt With Insignia Hitler Youth Service Shirt With Insignia Hitler Youth Service Shirt With Insignia Hitler Youth Service Shirt With Insignia Hitler Youth Service Shirt With Insignia Hitler Youth Service Shirt With Insignia Hitler Youth Service Shirt With Insignia Hitler Youth Service Shirt With Insignia Hitler Youth Service Shirt With Insignia

Hitler Youth Service Shirt With Insignia

Hitler-Jugend Service Shirt (HJ-Diensthemd).
The shirt is complete with insignia for a Hitler Junge who was attached to the: 'Bann 742' (Bann 742 = Rappoltsweiler, Gebiet Baden

The buttons are missing at the bottom of the sleeve and left top pocket, but they are in one of the top pockets
a very nice and complete service shirt

Code: 53522